Festival Facts
Halloween 2021 (10.30 - 10.31)
Ocean-themed outdoor MasqueRave
$2,000 Fantasy Costume Contest
Approx. 3,000 attendees (Fantasyzers)
Over 200 advance tickets sold (as of Dec. 2020)*
2,000,000+ live viewers/listeners
50+ Artists (DJs/Musicians, Visual, Performance)
30+ Vendors (food, craft, Eco)
100+ volunteers
ZERO single-use plastics
COVID-19 mitigations in-place
Proceeds benefit Environment
Fantasyzer Facts
(2013 -2015)
62% annual attendance growth
39% household income over $62K
Approx. 2/3 “Gen X” (age 35-54)
Approx. 1/3 “Millennial” (age 21-34)
79% Florida residents
71% Previous attendees
91% In-costume
64% Eco-conscious (2016-2020 surveys)
73% Experience/Travel oriented
59% Health/Well-being oriented
56% Engage/Share/Co-promote on Social Media
87% Purchase $100+ in Merchandise/F&B
Marketing Stats
100,000 global radio listeners/68 countries
29,000 Combined Social Media Following (our accounts)
4,000,000+ Social Media Following (Artist accounts)
50,000+ Social Media Impressions (our accounts)
1,300+ Email Subscribers
= 5,000,000+ Global Reach through all marketing channels
* tickets for 2021 will be limited
If your company or brand is interested in:
being directly associated with innovation, sustainability and social change
capturing three of the most elusive, powerful and loyal generations alive
reaching the largest, most diverse and fastest-growing demographic in the world
making a significant and positive impact in the fight against climate change
stepping into the music festival world but didn't think you were "big enough"
being a part of a music festival that places planet over pollution
contributing to South Florida economic growth, green building and eco-tourism
strengthening local economy, community
Elektrik Fantasy is the one, and the first music festival of its kind: a sustainable Underground Dance Music Festival and MasqueRave that actually gives back to our Planet Home, broadcast and streamed live around the world.
It's no secret that brands love music festivals; the ROI is superior to any other kind of marketing because reaching people through the music they love creates direct association and brand loyalty. Add in the experience of a masquerave and a cause we all care about: the health and future of our planet (and ourselves), and the return is insurmountable.
We welcome companies and brands large and small who align with our vision and mission, and we believe in unified growth and building relationships that last for years. Please complete the form below with your information and an ElektrikEventz representative will contact you. We look forward to partnering with you!